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Short-Term Effects of AI on Tech Roles

Short-Term Effects of AI on Tech Roles

As we enter 2024, AI is revolutionizing how companies find and connect with their dream candidates. In this blog, we want to talk about the recruitment transformation that is happening right now. AI influences everything, from creating job descriptions to nailing...
Prompt engineering: your new career opportunity!

Prompt engineering: your new career opportunity!

Prompt engineering is an important part of software development. It involves making user interfaces that are easy to use and work well. In today’s world, prompt engineering is even more important because users want applications that are easy to use and work well...
Top 10 Climate Tech companies that are hiring now!

Top 10 Climate Tech companies that are hiring now!

In this post, we want to talk about Climate Tech for two reasons. Firstly, it is an industry that has a huge impact on the entire planet. The people, ideas, and mission behind it are very powerful and important 🌍 Climate tech refers to any technology that can help...