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Discover our unique Talent Partner Model

Experience the power of our embedded talent partner model, seamlessly integrating with your organization to identify top-tier candidates and unlock the potential of exceptional talent.

Global M has seamlessly integrated our model into many companies of varying sizes. We’re prepared to deploy one of our top professionals alongside your team.

The 3 phases of our model

Streamlined success from onboarding to delivery to evaluation: our comprehensive talent partner model maximizes efficiency and effectiveness throughout the recruitment process.



Understanding the client’s organisation by doing a comprehensive analysis on the company culture and needs.

Assignment of a TP

Assigning the Talent Partner that matches with your needs

Client analysis

Analysing the hiring needs, general OKRs and company culture

Workforce planning

Defining the required roles and development of the hiring process



Posting jobs, managing candidates, interview coordination, selection process and offer negotiations.

Candidate management

The Talent Partner will lead the hiring processes and candidate experience

Live reporting

Stay informed on the progress through live delivery stats in Airtable

Personalised contact

Work closely with our Talent Partner and our Account Manager on a daily basis



Reviewing the results, receiving feedback, process improvements and future suggestions and plans.

Feedback collection

Both from our clients as from our candidates we request feedback and report back on it

Source analysis

We will deeply analyse how and where we sourced the delivered candidates

Future suggestions

We’ll provide suggestions and improvements for hiring, or renew the partnership

A unique collaboration opportunity

We as delivering partner

Our embedded talent partner model amplifies our strengths in understanding your organization’s unique needs, enabling us to deliver tailored recruitment solutions that drive exceptional results and ensure top-notch delivery.

You as our client

Experience the advantages of our embedded model as we seamlessly integrate with your team, leveraging our expertise to identify top-tier talent that aligns perfectly with your requirements, ensuring a collaborative and successful partnership.