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The Global M blog


by | Jun 5, 2017 | Day in the life

Today’s Monday motivation comes with Manuel de La Esperanza, CEO and Founder of Wave – Let’s Meet App!


1. First can you tell us a bit about your job? What does your company do?

I’m the Founder & CEO of ‘Wave – Let’s Meet App’. Wave is the simplest way to share your LIVE location between friends, always only with who you choose and when you choose. We started in 2014 and today we have 8 million downloads and daily traffic in more than 150 countries.


2. What brought you to this area?

As many of the best ideas happen, this occurred to my friend and Co-Founder Luis Gelado in a day-to-day situation when we needed something like Wave. We investigated the location services market and noticed it was practically orphan so we decided to go for it! We are offering a solution to every single person in the world. Wave is a must-have app in any smartphone because we deliver the most effective service in dozens of daily situations.


3. What time does your day start, and what does your typical work day schedule look like?

No time to lose sleeping when your real dreams are big. We work in a very flexible way so every day is a new story. In my case I like to stay until very late to get the work done. In the middle of the day it’s much more difficult to really concentrate while answering calls, emails, etc.

We believe that people work best when they also have a rich personal life. That’s why we don’t have a 9-to-5 day. They can arrange their own time according to their tasks and responsibilities (of course, as long as it’s possible to coordinate with meetings and be there for the rest of the team when needed). This way we work more efficiently and deliver better results!


4. What kind of projects are you currently working on?

Wave is just the beginning. We are building solutions in every area of personal geolocation. Thanks to our fantastic technology we are aiming to lead the industry.


5. What do you consider the greatest achievement in your work to date?

Making the lives of millions a little bit easier. When we see that we are helping people every single day in more than 150 countries all over the world.


6. What is the one app you could not live without?

Slack. Fantastic product. Incredible solution.


7. What’s the best thing about working at your company?

The team and the potential of the idea. We have been lucky enough to find the best talent possible and we are always on the hunt for more. My team not only has the skills and abilities but also the ambition to become world leaders in their areas. Or course, aiming so high is really motivating. We want no less than being top 1 all around the globe.


8. Where is the after work hangout?

I play quarterback in an American football team in Spain. Actually, entrepreneurship shares a lot of values with this sport.


9. Who is your professional role model?

So many of them. I look up to people who are fighting to make the world a better place. It’s not all about the money. I could mention Richard Branson as a good example.


10. What makes London a good city for technology and startups?

London is a fantastic bridge between the European and American ecosystem. We can find the resources and vision to build the next “Silicon Valley”.


11. Which tech trends are you most excited about?

The idea of ending up with all “tangibles”. I can explain myself: I believe its absurd that we continue carrying around a wallet (with your ID, your credit cards, driving license, cash…) and a set of keys. Everything should end up being “digitalised” in one unique device that you carry around. Of course this is possible thanks to current technologies and initiatives such as free worldwide internet. I believe it’s a matter of time.


12. What are the top 3 qualities you look for in an employee?

Commitment, Talent and simply being a good, honest person. I honestly value anyone as much as a person as a professional.


13. And finally, what is the one piece of advice you would give to an entrepreneur starting out?

Go for it and focus. It’s gonna be tough, but totally worth it. You keep on learning every single day. If you make a mistake learn from it and try to solve it for the next time. Be brave and focus day to day.

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