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The Global M blog

Talent Acquisition Meet up, 30th September

by | Oct 5, 2021 | Events

Global {M}, Barcelona hosted a Talent Acquisition meet-up on Thursday, 30th of September, on the terrace of Barcelona Tech City.

With views of Barcelona Port that inspired us, and food & drink available the in-person conversations were flowing once again.

We were excited to welcome a group from the Barcelona Talent Acquisition community, partnered with the Founder of Payflow, Benoit Menardo, and Founder and HR Manager of Psious; Xavier Palomer Ripoll, and Karla Palma.

The aim of the event was to come together as an industry to share the best practices, learn and collaborate.

Nick Waller, CEO @Global{M}

Nick Waller, the Founder, and Rupert Smith, Principal Talent Partner of Global {M} hosted two roundtables where Xavier, Karla and Benoit introduced their businesses, and why Talent retention and acquisition is so important to a high growth business in technology. 

Topics covered included:

  • Culture, and Values.
  • Diversity and Inclusion.
  • Retention and listening.
  • Talent Acquisition across international locations.
  • Covid-19 and the changes it has had on our industry.
  • How the Talent Acquisition community is becoming a more established and respected community.

We are grateful for the wonderful contribution of all that attended, with special mention to Xavier, Karla, Benoit, and the amazing Global {M} team.

This is the start of in-person events, and we will shortly be arranging new events for the community, be it for Talent, Product, CTO’s or Founders.

Global{M} Events

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